CPAN releases top weeks for 2017

Count the number of distributions released to CPAN each week.

In the weekly boards, weeks are counted from Sunday 00:00:00 UTC until the next Saturday at midnight UTC. In the context of the contest, the first week of the yearly contest is the first full week of the year. For example, the first week of the 2014 contest started on Sunday, January 5, 2014. In strftime(2) terms, this is week 1 according to %U, with week 0 being part of the previous year.

The tables below list the top weeks up to rank 200.

« 2017 »
1. 2017-28 490
2. 2017-01 482
3. 2017-09 469
4. 2017-02 451
5. 2017-04 438
6. 2017-10 431
7. 2017-05 410
8. 2017-03 396
9. 2017-08 390
10. 2017-12 383
11. 2017-06 382
12. 2017-31 378
13. 2017-26 368
14. 2017-07 362
15. 2017-27 359
16. 2017-33 357
17. 2017-29 351
2017-25 351
19. 2017-19 346
20. 2017-30 343
21. 2017-16 337
22. 2017-22 331
23. 2017-44 319
24. 2017-17 318
25. 2017-34 311
26. 2017-11 309
27. 2017-32 308
2017-20 308
29. 2017-24 305
2017-14 305
31. 2017-13 304
32. 2017-45 297
2017-35 297
34. 2017-47 289
35. 2017-50 288
36. 2017-40 286
37. 2017-41 285
38. 2017-23 281
39. 2017-15 276
40. 2017-49 275
2017-46 275
42. 2017-51 274
43. 2017-37 272
44. 2017-48 269
45. 2017-42 267
46. 2017-18 262
47. 2017-39 251
48. 2017-53 250
49. 2017-21 247
50. 2017-43 241
51. 2017-36 230
52. 2017-52 223
53. 2017-38 210

Page generated on 2025-02-23 at 09:10 UTC, based on all CPAN distributions released until 2025-02-23 at 07:37 UTC. Data from the CPAN Testers BackPAN indexes.