CPAN top months

Count the number of released to CPAN each month.

In the monthly boards, months start on 00:00:00 UTC the first day of the month, and end at midnight UTC on the last day of the month.

The tables below list the top 10 months for each type.

1. 2014-08 3336
2. 2015-01 2827
3. 2014-12 2580
4. 2013-05 2433
5. 2013-09 2416
6. 2014-07 2412
7. 2014-09 2371
8. 2014-10 2263
9. 2016-01 2238
10. 2014-01 2218
1. 2015-12 597
2. 2016-02 438
3. 2014-12 381
4. 2011-01 339
5. 2009-07 337
6. 2012-11 335
7. 2015-01 328
8. 2014-08 327
9. 2011-02 319
10. 2012-12 318
1. 2015-12 432
2. 2016-02 397
3. 2011-01 303
4. 2012-12 298
5. 2009-07 297
6. 2014-12 291
7. 2014-08 281
8. 2013-03 278
9. 2012-11 277
10. 2008-03 275

Page generated on 2024-11-21 at 17:09 UTC, based on all CPAN distributions released until 2024-11-21 at 14:26 UTC. Data from the CPAN Testers BackPAN indexes.